What is the Scar Laser? – Definition, Types, Consist – 2024
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The laser treatment penetrates the outer layers of the skin and stimulates the growth of healthy new skin cells. The laser removes older, damaged layers of skin, allowing new, healthy skin to grow in its place. Laser treatments create a new scar instead of the old one. However, the new cuticle should grow more evenly.
Scar tissue formation is the body’s natural response to injury. Scars are harmless and do not need to be removed for medical reasons. However, if they are painful, disabling, or affect a person’s psyche, various methods can alleviate their appearance and discomfort. Laser treatment can help scars heal by relieving pain or itching, reducing their appearance, and improving skin mobility around the scar.
Scar Laser Definition
The scar laser correction is a treatment designed to improve the appearance of scars or skin marks. Whether cause acne, wounds, burns, or other types of injuries.
The specialist must determine what level of improvement or correction can obtain for each type of scar. For example, acne scars are some of the best responses to this technique.
Why is it Complete and different Types of Scars?
- The objective of this treatment is the aesthetic improvement of scars or skin marks. There are different types of scars, and therefore there are different types of lasers that adapt to them to treat them:
1. The Hyperpigmented Scars
- It presents a dark coloration resulting from a greater degree of melanogenesis linked to the inflammatory repair process.
- This type of scars can lighten quickly and with excellent results using lasers capable of heating melanin. And such as the Alexandrite Q-Switched laser or Intense Pulsed Light for Medical Use (IPL).
2. The Hypopigmented Scars
- Take the lighter color than the rest of the healthy skin laser. Narrowband Ultraviolet Light.
3. The Atrophic Scars
- Scars are typical of acne, sometimes simulate skin staking shaped “U.” Stretch marks also fall into the group of atrophic scars since in them there is a breakdown of the dermal tissue.
- These types of scars have significantly benefited from advances in laser technology. Two types of lasers can use to treat them:
4. Ablative Fractional CO2 Laser
- It treats both epidermis and dermis and requires some time of healing.
5. Fractional Non-Ablative Infrared Laser
- It does not affect the epidermis, it only heats the dermis. Therefore, it does not have an exudative phase, and recovery is faster.
- And both treatments produce photocoagulation distributed in microcolumns surrounded by healthy tissue. Which immediately activates the reparative phenomenon.
6. The Hypertrophic Scars and keloids
- Are characterized by red, itchy, and stiff, but remains on the edge of the surgical wound. Keloids differ because they grow beyond the limits of the skin wound.
- The laser used to treat them is the Pulsed Dye Laser, combined with infiltration with intralesional corticosteroids. The application of pressotherapy (in the form of silicone sheets).
What does it Consist?
- The application of the laser is not painful. It consists of moving the laser light (emitted from a specialized device). The scar use reduces the first layers of the epidermis’ lesions and softens the skin irregularities.
- As well as gradually remove or eliminate scars, the skin’s superficial layers cause renewal. Also, depending on the time elapsed since its appearance, more or fewer treatment sessions will be required, typically between five and eight.
What are the Preparations for the Scar Laser?
- Before starting any laser treatments, the patient must undergo a medical evaluation to determine if a prior skin preparation with specific topical products is necessary.
What are Alternatives to Laser for Scars?
- As an alternative for treating acne marks or atrophic scars, you can opt for hyaluronic acid injections, derma-rollers.
- And platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections. Radiofrequency, a laser-like system, can also be used to treat these types of scars.
- In hypertrophic-keloid scars, techniques such as surgical excision, cryotherapy, and 5-Fluorouracil infiltrations can use.